Dryland Training

Over the course of our careers, we have helped our swimmers win an astonishing 106 gold medals, 106 silver medals, and 87 bronze medals at State/National tournaments... many of our swimmers have gone onto swim for prestigious college programs; such as ASU, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and South Carolina. If you look at the Record Board at the Des Moines YMCA, it is full of Westside swimmers! Asher, Mallory, Taylor, Jessi, Payden, Jake and Drew would have been great swimmers with or without us, but they'll tell you themselves, we helped them reduce the risk of injuries and maximize power production.
We prefer to train middle school swimmers in a one-on-one setting, then our high school swimmers have evening training groups after practice, at ~6:30pm M/T/TH and 10am Saturdays throughout the school year. During summer break, we switch to 10am for all training days.

Westside Strength & Conditioning could charge $50+ per class like all the other coaching facilities in the Des Moines area, but instead decided to implement a timeshare model, wherein the more swimmers attend, the less it costs each family. Then, in the rare case a one-on-one session occurs, they extend a 30% discount on their personal training services. Sessions are post-billed on the 1st of the following month. Email coach@westsidestrength.com to receive an electronic liability form and give your swimmer an advantage, today!

Amy Havenhill
Swim Mom

Andrew Knorr
Swim Dad

Art Dinkin
Swim Dad

Waukee Swim